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Our First Major Scare..

When I was single, I had a co worker who would always cry whenever her baby gets fever or gets hospitalized. At the time, I would sometimes think that she is overreacting and thought that the baby will be fine.

Justyne recovering from her sedation.

Two weeks ago, I realized I have judged my co worker too quickly. JR and I had our first major scare. And it all started with a low grade fever. It was Justyne's 7th month and we thought maybe she was just teething. So we did what her pedia advised before as soon as she starts teething: Tylenol and comfort her gums with cold wash cloths and teether. But nothing seemed to comfort her. I continue to monitor her fever, and highest was at 101.9 F, which was on on a Thursday (she started fever Wednesday). So come weekend we decided to take her to Urgent Care.

They checked her vitals and also decided to get urine test. The latter was done by putting a urine bag in her vaginal area and wait til she pees. We decided to go home as we wait for her to pee. Once we got it, we brought it back to the UC. We had a gig that night so when I got the doctor's call, I was shattered to know that she has UTI and will need to take antibiotics. My poor baby.

The day after, my mom told me about a lump that she saw in her right inner thigh. Since she has UTI, my brother in law said it's probably just swollen lymph node (or kulani in Filipino). We again had a gig that day, but since I am worried sick, we decided to take her to ER to get checked. There, we had our first experience of being in pain watching your lil one being pricked a needle for IV and inserted a catheter for a more accurate urine test.

After some tests, since she's started taking antibiotics, her urine test came out negative. Doctors also told us to never get urine test for her through bag, the best is always through a catheter. However, her white blood cells were up which means that she indeed has infection. They also did an ultrasound for her lump but doctors weren't sure what it was. I was already almost in tears here, it's past midnight and we were told that she will get admitted!! JR and I couldn't even think of what stuff we need from the house to be brought to the hospital.

A few minutes later, doctors went back and said we don't have to get admitted as they consulted a radiologist which said that her lump is most likely just swollen lymph node due to her UTI. We were advised to go home, finish the antibiotics and monitor her fever and her lump.

I took a photo of her lump on Tuesday and it seems like it wasn't growing..

By Wednesday, she was fever free! I was happy and positive that she is on her way to getting better. However, come Friday, we noticed that her lump has turned purpleish in color and seems to be erupting. I went and followed my gut and rushed her to Children's Hospital of LA ER.

As soon as we were at Triage, the nurses confirmed it. It's abscess and will need incision and drainage. Prior to that, I have already cried some tears while waiting to be called, so I don't do it in front of the nurses.

Came the scariest part. Our baby needed to be sedated for the procedure. Risks were explained but we just prayed and trusted God that everything will be just fine.

We had the longest 20 minutes of our life watching our little one being sedated (after no feeding of 4 hours as instructed), the incision being done and draining of the abscess.

IT WAS SO PAINFUL. We were crying. I literally told God that I don't mind getting body pains again as long as He keeps my baby safe. 20 minutes has passed and she is slowly recovering from the sedation. As soon as she started smiling to us, we knew then she was 100% recovered. We waited a few more minutes before we give her Pedialyte and then milk afterwards.

After the procedure, when she's out of the sedation and fell asleep finally. Vitals still being monitored.

This was almost 3am when the nurse in charge was taking off her hep-lock as a sign for me that we are being sent home and she is fine.

When we got home, we didn't bother changing her shirt as we know she is super tired and needs to sleep. The following day, we spent the whole morning getting her meds as there were some changes needed to be done by the pharmacist and doctor.

The following Monday, we went to see Justyne's family doctor who did repacking of the gauze in her incision. Repacking was done every 2 days and today, we went home happy because we didn't repacking anymore, just a band aid in her bubu. Justyne has also gained back some weight she's lost. She has been finishing 6oz of milk and has started eating pureed foods again.

This experience is something that no parent would want to go through. What is so comforting though, is that despite the fact that both JR and I panicking and feeling all worried, Justyne back to her usual self of being super active day after her procedure. We were the ones getting worried if she's in pain because of her incision but she was just back to being her again. :)

To my co worker before, I'm sorry for judging too quickly. Now I know how it feels and hit me so bad.

LA meets Manila

JR and Jan Obciana

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