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Patience is a Virtue. Pag ako Pumayat, Who You Kayo Sakin!! :P

Mommy and Justyne at 28 Weeks PP

It's been a good 5 months and I still have these joint pains everywhere.. Looking back 2 weeks post partum, I think to myself "So that's it, I am healed and can pretty much do stuff with ease already" (considering I had 4th grade laceration, and some infection down there 1 week post partum plus the bleeding of my nipples 2 days PP). I even told my husband "I think I can get pregnant 2 more times!" I thought I was really on my way to recovery. I can do indian seats already, I have put in storage my friendly donut pillow, I can manage only having 3 or 4 hours of sleep in a day, I am able to keep the house as organized as it can be and I am enjoying motherhood a lot! Sleepless nights were made easy because of my supportive and caring husband..

But around 8 weeks post partum, both of my hands started getting stiff. I had a hard time gripping, snapping and even unsnapping Justyne's onesies, opening her bottle, carrying her diaper bag, changing diapers and the likes. Then later on, I started having pains in both of my feet and knees. One morning came that I can't even lift myself and walk to the restroom. JR had to carry me out of my bed and help me with walking.

So it was time to get checked by my primary care physican as my OBGYN said so. PCP said it is post partum body fatigue. She asked if I get enough rest and sleep and I said no. She advised that I get my sleep when the baby naps. Be in a comfortable position while breastfeeding. And so I did what was needed. There would be days in the week that Justyne would stay with her grandma so I can have my rest and do some chores too.

Fast forward to 6 months post partum and I still have these joint pains. But more scattered. I have it in my neck, elbows, and shoulders too! I can't even straighten my right arm because my right elbow is swollen. My knuckles, wrist and feet are all swollen and there's just too many pains everywhere. Mornings are the worst because everything is swollen. To make matters harder, my 6 month old is so active and loves to move around, she just doesn't stay still!!

Now my PCP has referred me to a rheumatologist and were just waiting to get checked, I had to wait until Sept 26 to be checked. I am seriously hoping I don't have rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

You see, when my OBGYN gave me a go signal that I can go back to the gym and exercise as I'm fully healed, I was actually looking forward to it so I can lose these baby fats and tone down my belly. But since I've been nursing these pains for the past 5 months or so, simply walking or bending my knees are such a pain.

Now comes the harder part. Since it's been months from the time I gave birth, some people just assume that losing the baby belly is easy. I am not one of those moms or any celebrity who is so lucky that they would lose their belly with minimal effort. I thought that breastfeeding can solve my belly issue.

I think I've had enough of people who purposely, arrogantly and rudely comments about my belly! But what can I do? I just smile at them and keep reminding myself to be the better person. They might not know the pains I am going through so they just say "Are you pregnant again?" with giggles afterwards, because they know I am really not pregnant. I mean, why? What is it with people who just can't mind their own bellies?? Why do they like to tease people like that?

My sister in law once told me that someone should never comment or ask "How far along are you?" to a woman with a belly even if it's pretty obvious that she is carrying a child. Because you just don't assume. Common courtesy. Plus, you don't always know what the other person is going through.

For now, I would just keep being the better person. Go on, keep teasing and slapping into my face how much I look like I'm 6 months pregnant. Because I have learned to deal with it in a positive way. Despite the additional lbs I have gained and these body pains, I have been extremely blessed with a beautiful healthy baby girl and a very caring and supportive husband who still finds me beautiful even if I walk like a zombie or penguin in the morning and has these extra fats on me.

I'm telling you, pag ako pumayat, hu u kayo saken!! :D

LA meets Manila

JR and Jan Obciana

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